Application Service > Maps > Guide for Web Maps

This guide describes JavaScript-based web APIs required to use web maps of Maps.

Common API Information


  • Appkey is required to use APIs.
  • To check your appkey, go to URL & Appkey on top of the NHN Cloud Console.

Common Request Information

URL Information

Item URL

Web Maps

1. Web Maps

The following describes how to show maps on the web browser by using Javascript-based NHN Cloud Maps API. NHN Cloud Maps API uses WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinates.

Guide for Maps API

For more details on Maps API, see iNavi Maps API Center.

API Name Parameter Returns Description
new inavi.maps.Map(options) options.container : string inavi.maps.Map map object ID of the DOM element to display the map : LngLatLike Central coordinates of the map
options.zoom : number Level of the map
options.heading : number Angle rotated counterclockwise from the north
options.tilt : number Tilt of the map when it is laid flat
options.maxZoom : number Maximum zoom-in level
options.hash : boolean Whether to display map information on the address bar
options.zoomable : boolean Whether the map is zoomable
options.draggable : boolean Whether the map is zoomable
options.rotatable : boolean Whether the map is rotatable
options.keyboard : boolean Whether the map can be moved using the keyboard
options.disableDefaultUI : boolean Whether to hide the default control
options.logoScaleControl : LogoScaleControlOptions Log and scale display control option
options.compassControl : CompassControlOptions Compass display control option
options.zoomControl : ZoomControlOptions Zoom-in/out display control option
on(eventType, listener) eventType : string load,
zoomstart, zoom, zoomend,
rotatestart, rotate, rotateend,
tiltstart, tilt, tiltend,
click, dblclick,
mousedown, mouseup, mousemove,
mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseover, mouseout,
touchstart, touchend, touchcancel, touchmove,
movestart, move, moveend,
dragstart, drag, dragend
listener : Function Listener to register
once(eventType, listener) eventType : string load,
zoomstart, zoom, zoomend,
rotatestart, rotate, rotateend,
tiltstart, tilt, tiltend,
click, dblclick,
mousedown, mouseup, mousemove,
mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseover, mouseout,
touchstart, touchend, touchcancel, touchmove,
movestart, move, moveend,
dragstart, drag, dragend
listener : Function Listener to register
off(eventType, listener) eventType : string load,
zoomstart, zoom, zoomend,
rotatestart, rotate, rotateend,
tiltstart, tilt, tiltend,
click, dblclick,
mousedown, mouseup, mousemove,
mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseover, mouseout,
touchstart, touchend, touchcancel, touchmove,
movestart, move, moveend,
dragstart, drag, dragend
listener : Function Listener to remove
new inavi.maps.Marker(option) : Map inavi.maps.Marker marker object Map object
option.icon : string Icon URL
option.position : LngLatLike Coordinates where a marker will be created
option.anchor : string Position where coordinates will be located
top-left, top, top-right,
left, center, right,
bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right
option.title : string Character strings for tool-tips
option.offset : Array Offset in pixel unit
option.draggable : boolean Whether the marker is draggable
option.zIndex : number z-index value
option.opacity : number Opacity level
inavi.maps.LngLat.convertToPixel(lngLat) lngLat.lng : number Screen pixel coordinates WGS84 longitude : number WGS84 latitude
inavi.maps.Pixel.convertToLngLat(pixel) pixel.x : number Longitude/latitude coordinates Screen pixel x coordinates
pixel.y : number Screen pixel y coordinates

Enable the Maps API

<script type="text/javascript" src="{appkey}/maps?callback=initMap"></script>
<div id="div_map" style="width:500px; height:500px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var map;

    function initMap() {
        //Display the map on the declared DIV.
        map = new inavi.maps.Map({
            container: "div_map",
            center: {
                lng: 127.11,
                lat: 37.40
            zoom: 12,
            type: "NORMAL"

Change the Map Mode

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Change the map type of the created map object.
    // General: NORMAL, Aerial background: SATELLITE
    // Change to a aerial background map.
    window.onload = function (){

Register a Map Event

<script type="text/javascript">
    //Register the move event to the map.
    window.onload = function (){
        map.on("move", moveHandler);

    function moveHandler(event){
        console.log("event callback!");

Remove the Map Event

<script type="text/javascript">
    //Remove the move event from the map.
    window.onload = function (){"move", moveHandler)

Add a Map Marker

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Add a marker object to the map.
    window.onload = function (){
        var marker = new inavi.maps.Marker({
            map: map,
            position: {
                lng: 127.11,
                lat: 37.40

        // Move the marker object.
        marker.setPosition({lng: 127.110513, lat: 37.402027});

Convert Screen Pixel Coordinates to WGS Coordinates

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function (){
        // Convert screen pixel coordinates to WGS coordinates.
        var screen_pixel = {
            x: 100,
            y: 100

        var wgs84 = inavi.maps.Pixel.convertToLngLat(map,screen_pixel);

Convert WGS Coordinates to Screen Pixel Coordinates

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function (){
        // Convert WGS coordinates to screen pixel coordinates.
        var wgs84 = {
            lng: 127.11074994024005,
            lat: 37.40215870673785

        var screen_pixel = inavi.maps.LngLat.convertToPixel(map,wgs84);

Change the Map Style

// Change the map style of the created map object to the style created with Map Studio.
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function (){
        //For StyleJsonUrl, refer to the deployment code when deploying styles in Map Studio

// When applying styles while initializing the map, use the script below instead of the existing script.
<script type="text/javascript" src="{appkey}/maps?callback=initMap&styleID={styleID}"></script>